Monday, May 14, 2012

Remembering Mum

Mum at 18

I look in the mirror and my Mum stares back at me .Most people say I look very much like Mum especially as I get older so I remember her most days .So it's nice to have one special  day a year to really think about what a great lady she was and how her life has influenced mine.
 Mum lived her life, as they say, in  interesting times. Born in 1910 she experienced 2 world wars and all manner of  changes. She had a hard life for her mum died at a very early age when Mum was only 18, Her father also soon died leaving Flo to bring up  her very young brother and sister. Then she married Dad and had 3 children during the course of a deep depression and the 2nd world war. Life certainly wasn't easy and it taught her to be very practical ,independent, frugal and able to make the most of things as they are  which she in turn passed on to us, her children. She worked most of her life and I think enjoyed the social aspect of working and her friends at work more than the actual work she did.
Mum enjoying her first go kart experience

She loved life and was always ready to do new things and enjoy herself. She was a whizz at dancing the Charleston and could still do it even at 70. My elder sister Barbara, who loves to dance, must take after her as I sure don't! Mum thought it would be  a great experience to go sailing for the first time even though she was walking on two artificial hip replacements .She  gave me a really hard time because I thought it was a really bad idea. I hate boats and water. 

She loved to travel but until later in life didn't have the means to do so. Street smart she was proud of being a cockney, 'born under the sound of Bow bells in London . When we were kids it was she who encouraged us to visit London and see all kinds of interesting  and historical places that we could get to by bus or train. Sixty years later I still remember sleeping all night on the pavement so we could see the procession of the Queen's coronation.  Mum thought this was the  thing to do and we would remember it in years to come and she was so right. 

She always was there to help and was so proud of her 3 daughters. Later on in life she was more than willing to fly over to Canada and Texas to see us and said it was the best time of her life when she could travel and do new things. 
Mum with young Ashleye

She always was able to make us laugh. One day I remember she came home and had forgotten that she had left her bike outside the shop where she had been shopping so she had walked home and thought it was very funny that now she would have to go back to get it. 
She loved that bike, she went everywhere on it. If she had learned to drive a car she would have gone all over England I am quite sure. She  loved  football ( soccer)  and followed her favorite team and certainly did her best to win the football pools. She was a champion darts player and  a whizz at counting and math and  keeping  score in a dart game.She won a huge silver cup at a tournament in the Albert Hall one year but the cup was a big bother to her as cleaning it was THE big chore ever week.It quickly got relegated to the pantry so it wouldn't needed to be cleaned.
Mum relaxing in the Texas sun

 She loved to knit and read and to see my mum  watching televison,reading a paperback, knitting a sweater and carrying on a conversation all at the same time boggles my mind. That was the kind of lady she was.

We are so lucky that (Flo ie Nanny ie my Mum )was able to see her 2 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. She didn't see them often but she loved them all.
And we all loved her. Did I tell her that enough? probably not, but I think she knew I did. We still miss her but on this special day we remember the good times we had together and  thank her for giving us such a good start in life.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The One time I was Glamorous

You never know what awaits you when you open an email. Usually my friend Karen sends me photos and video and tales of her life in California but this email brought back such memories of a really fun day we had back sometime  in the 90s . You have to know Karen is a GREAT record keeper; she takes photos and videos and makes great scrapbooks.
 I on the other hand, forget easy but she had sent me a photo that reminded me and also made me laugh.

Just look at it . You can see why it made me smile. It was supposed to be a 'Glamour shot" These photo shoots were all the rage in those days. And I remember Karen had pushed me into going as i really didn't want to go. What a laugh it turned out to be . We sat with a  bunch of very average ladies and waited for our turn to be made over in the latest in "overdone' cosmetics.  Then we were ushered into the studio, a hotel room with a guy with a camera and a back drop cloth.
Oh I forgot before that we were told to choose  outfits and accessories to wear. That bit was fun , just dressing up in all the fur and fluff and fancy hats.
Then our photos were taken before of course we were passed out to the person who did the sales pitch. Yes we were all to get a free 8" by 10' glossy and naturally we would be silly if we didn't order a whole bunch of photos of our new glamorous selves.
I had no intention of ordering any photos but as I remember it, Karen's husband bought a set each for both of us. 

 Karen unearthed one of the photos of me in her treasure trove of memories .And now I think of it at the back of Mike's workshop on the wall in the mixture of cars and tools there is the other.
The one time I was "glamorous".
Thanks for the memory Karen.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Sunshine Baby' Birthday April 5th

Just looking at this photo makes me smile!
To Our Dear Chrissy,
     Grandad and  I  called you "our sunshine baby" because you were always smiling. I remember that when I came  down to San Antonio just after your proud Mom & Dad had brought you home from the hospital, I couldn't believe what a quiet easy baby you were . You hardly ever cried and were such a delightful baby. You looked so cute in the pretty girly baby clothes.

Fortunately for us we managed to see you quite often in those very early years and have plenty of photos and video to remind us of those early days. Such lovely memories.
Whenever we visited there was this cute baby and later, little girl, always ready with a wide smile and sparkling eyes. Ready for fun .You were  just a little ray of sunshine.
We have always been  so proud of you and especially glad that your sweetness and sunshine developed with you and that  you now share it with your many friends and family.Yes we remember also there were a few showers and storms you had  to pass through while you were growing up (hey, that's normal) but we were confident that eventually those too would pass and the sunshine return. And it certainly did.

On this your 25th birthday,we thank you for being a beautiful, creative and loving person that spreads sunshine and joy, 
                         Our Best Wishes & Love Chrissy 
                              LOVE  Nanny and Grandad.

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26th 1960 Wedding Day

Mike & Shirley 
It was a cool,gray end of March kind of day in Watford , England and anyone who has lived in the British climate will know what I mean.But on this date March 26 1960( how far away that sounds) to two people very much in love  the sun was shining. It was our wedding day and at that time we would never realize that 52 years later , again the sun would be still be shining but for real as only it can do in Texas.

Now we would be in a land far away, having  lived in England, Canada and now in Texas. During that time we have bought different houses and cars , seen many different places , had our family and seen them grow up with all the happiness and sadness, hope and happenings and laughs that brings.
But on this special day we remember each other and our special day and it brings us joy .Instead of cards we brought each other two red rose bushes. Let us hope they last , like us well into the future.

Our Best Man Roger and his wife Lydia sent us this lovely card from England and knowing how we potter in the garden it was oh just right in many ways. So thanks Roger and  everyone else  for your best wishes . They have meant a lot to us over the years .
One more Memory for the Chest.

This new blog I am writing is just a collection of memories. Please check in from time to time. Comments are very welcome.